

Na ho na le Melemo ea Bophelo bo Botle ba ho Roala Jacket e Chesang?



Hlalosa sehlooho sa bophelo bo botle

Hlalosa bohlokoa ba eona le bohlokoa ba eona

Ho Utloisisa Lijeke Tse Chesang

Lijaki tse futhumetseng ke eng?

Li sebetsa joang?

Mefuta ea li-jackets tse futhumetseng

Melemo ea Bophelo bo Botle ba ho Roala Jacket e Chesang

Mofuthu oa hang-hang

Phallo ea mali e ntlafetseng

Ho kokobetsa bohloko

Motsamao o ntlafalitsoeng

Ho fokotsa khatello ea maikutlo

Ke Mang ea ka Ruang Molemo ho Lijeke Tse Chesang?

Batho ba hōlileng

Basebetsi ba kantle

Baatlelete le barati ba lipapali

Batho ba nang le maemo a bophelo

Bopaki ba Saense le Lithuto

Lipatlisiso ka liaparo tse futhumetseng

Lithuto tsa liketsahalo le bopaki

Likotsi tse ka 'nang tsa E-ba teng le Matšoenyeho a Tšireletseho

Likotsi tsa ho chesa haholo

Tšireletseho ea motlakase

Ho teneha ha letlalo

Ho Bapisa Lijeke Tse Chesang le Mekhoa ea Setso

Li-jackets tse futhumetseng khahlanong le lihlopha tsa setso

Katleho ea litšenyehelo


Tsoelo-pele ea Theknoloji ka Lijeke Tse Chesang

Mekhoa e mecha ea theknoloji ea ho futhumatsa

Likarolo tse bohlale

Lintlafatso tsa bophelo ba betri

Mokhoa oa ho Khetha Jacket e Chesang e Nepahetseng

Lintlha tsa bohlokoa tseo u ka li batlang

Mefuta e metle le mehlala

Litlhokomelo tsa theko

Malebela a Tlhokomelo le Tlhokomelo

Litaelo tsa ho hloekisa

Malebela a polokelo

Tlhokomelo ea betri

Tšusumetso ea Tikoloho ea Lijeke Tse Chesang

Matšoenyeho a botsitso

Lisebelisoa tsa eco-friendly

Tšebeliso ea matla


Kakaretso ea lintlha tsa bohlokoa

Bitsa ho nka khato bakeng sa thuto e tsoelang pele

Na ho na le Melemo ea Bophelo bo Botle ba ho Roala Jacket e Chesang?

1. Selelekela

Hlalosa Sehlooho sa Bophelo bo Botle

Li-jackets tse futhumetseng ke liaparo tse ncha tse etselitsoeng ho fana ka mofuthu ka lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa tse hahiloeng. Lijase tsena li na le liphanele tsa ho futhumatsa tse tsamaisoang ke betri tse hlahisang mocheso ho boloka motho ea li apereng a futhumetse maemong a batang. Khopolo ea liaparo tse futhumetseng e fetohile haholo, e fana ka motsoako oa matšeliso, theknoloji le melemo ea bophelo bo botle.

Hlalosa Bohlokoa le Bohlokoa ba Eona

Bohlokoa ba lijeke tse futhumetseng bo fetela ka nģ'ane ho boiketlo feela. Ka tlhokomeliso e ntseng e hola mabapi le phello ea ho pepesehela serame bophelong bo botle, lijase tse futhumetseng li fetohile tsa bohlokoa bakeng sa lihlopha tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa basebetsi ba kantle, baatlelete le batho ba nang le maemo a itseng a bophelo. Ho utloisisa melemo ea bophelo bo botle ba lijase tse futhumetseng ho ka thusa batho ho etsa liqeto tse nepahetseng mabapi le ho li kenyelletsa bophelong ba bona ba letsatsi le letsatsi, haholo-holo libakeng tse batang haholo.

2. Ho Utloisisa Lijeke Tse Chesang

Li-jackets tse futhumatsang ke eng?

Li-jackets tse futhumetseng ke liaparo tse entsoeng ka ho khetheha tse kenyelletsang lisebelisoa tse futhumatsang tse tsamaisoang ke libeteri. Lijakete tsena hangata li entsoe ka thepa e fanang ka tšireletso le ho hanyetsa moea, ka lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa li behiloe ka mokhoa o hlophisitsoeng libakeng tse batang haholo, joalo ka sefuba, mokokotlo, 'me ka linako tse ling matsoho.

Li Sebetsa Joang?

Li-jackets tse futhumetseng li sebetsa ka marang-rang a lintho tse futhumatsang tse tšesaane, tse tenyetsehang tse kentsoeng ka har'a lesela. Lintho tsena li hokahane le pakete ea betri e nchafalitsoeng, e fanang ka matla a hlokahalang. Hangata basebelisi ba ka laola boemo ba mocheso ka litlhophiso tse feto-fetohang, ho lumella mofuthu o hlophisitsoeng. Lintho tse futhumatsang li hlahisa mocheso o tsitsitseng, o tlaase, ho netefatsa matšeliso ntle le kotsi ea ho chesa kapa ho chesa haholo.

Mefuta ea Lijeke Tse Chesang

Ho na le mefuta e 'maloa ea li-jackets tse futhumetseng tse fumanehang, tse fanang ka litlhoko le likhetho tse fapaneng:

Li-jackets tse futhumatsang ka ntle:E etselitsoe mesebetsi ea kantle joalo ka ho hloa lithaba, ho thellelisa lehloeng le ho tsoma.
Li-jackets tse futhumetseng tse tloaelehileng:E loketse bakeng sa tšebeliso ea letsatsi le letsatsi, ho fana ka mofuthu nakong ea mesebetsi e tloaelehileng.
Li-jackets tse futhumetseng tsa mosebetsi:E hahiloe bakeng sa ho tšoarella le ho sebetsa hantle, e loketseng basebetsi ba kaho le ba bang ba sebetsang libakeng tse batang.

3. Melemo ea Bophelo bo Botle ea ho Roala Jacket e Chesang

Mofuthu oa Hang-hang

Molemo o ka sehloohong oa ho apara seaparo se futhumetseng ke mofuthu o potlakileng oo o fanang ka oona. Ho fapana le lihlopha tse tloaelehileng tse itšetlehileng ka ho boloka mocheso oa 'mele, li-jackets tse futhumetseng li hlahisa mofuthu ka mafolofolo, li etsa hore li atlehe haholoanyane maemong a batang haholo.

Phallo ea Mali e Ntlafetseng

Serame sa leholimo se ka fokotsa methapo ea mali, sa fokotsa phallo ea mali ho ea fihla lipheletsong le ho eketsa kotsi ea maemo a kang serame. Lijaki tse futhumetseng li thusa ho boloka mocheso o nepahetseng oa 'mele, ho khothaletsa phallo ea mali e betere le ho thibela mathata a bophelo a amanang le serame.

Phomolo ea Bohloko

Bakeng sa batho ba nang le maemo a bohloko a sa foleng, a kang ramatiki, mofuthu o tsitsitseng o fanoang ke likoti tse futhumetseng o ka thusa ho fokotsa ho se thabise. Phekolo ea mocheso e tsejoa ho phomola mesifa le ho fokotsa ho satalla ha manonyeletso, ho fana ka phomolo ho tsoa bohlokong le ho ntlafatsa ho tsamaea.

Ntlafatso ea Mobility

Ho lula u futhumetse ho bohlokoa bakeng sa ho boloka ho tenyetseha le ho sisinyeha ha maemo a leholimo a batang. Li-jackets tse futhumetseng li thibela ho satalla hoo hangata ho tsamaeang le ho pepesehela serame, ho lumella batho ka bomong ho tsamaea ka bolokolohi le ka boiketlo.

Phokotso ea Khatello

Serame sa leholimo se ka eketsa khatello ea maikutlo ha 'mele o ntse o sebetsa ka thata ho boloka mocheso oa mantlha. Li-jackets tse futhumetseng li fokotsa khatello ea kelello ea 'mele e amanang le ho pepesehela serame, ho khothalletsa boiketlo ba kakaretso le boiketlo.

4. Ke Bo-mang ba ka Ruang Molemo ka Lijeke Tse Chesang?

Batho ba Hōlileng

Batho ba tsofetseng ba kotsing haholo ke serame ka lebaka la ho fokotseha ha phallo ea mali le metabolism e liehang. Li-jackets tse futhumetseng li fana ka mofuthu o hlokahalang ho li boloka li phutholohile le ho thibela mathata a bophelo bo amanang le serame.

Basebetsi ba Kantle

Bakeng sa ba sebetsang ka ntle tlas'a maemo a batang, joalo ka basebetsi ba kaho le basebeletsi ba liphallelo, li-jackets tse futhumetseng ke tharollo e sebetsang bakeng sa ho boloka mofuthu le tlhahiso letsatsi lohle.

Baatlelete le Barati ba Lipapali

Baatlelete, haholo-holo ba kopanelang lipapaling tsa mariha, ba rua molemo ka likoti tse futhumetseng kaha li fana ka mofuthu o hlokahalang ntle le ho thibela ho sisinyeha. Sena se tiisa ts'ebetso ea tlhōrō esita le maemong a batang.

Batho ba nang le Maemo a Bongaka

Batho ba nang le maemo a bophelo bo botle joalo ka lefu la Raynaud, ramatiki le phallo e mpe ea phallo ea mali ba ka imoloha haholo matšoao ka tšebeliso ea libaki tse futhumetseng. Mofuthu oa phekolo o thusa ho laola bohloko le ho ntlafatsa ho potoloha.

5. Bopaki ba Saense le Lithuto

Lipatlisiso ka Liaparo tse Chesang

Liphuputso tse 'maloa li hlahlobile katleho ea liaparo tse futhumetseng ka ho fana ka mofuthu le melemo ea bophelo bo botle. Lipatlisiso li bontša hore li-jackets tse futhumetseng li ka ntlafatsa haholo matšeliso a mocheso le ho fokotsa kotsi ea mathata a bophelo bo botle ba ho bata.

Lithuto tsa Taba le Bopaki

Bopaki bo bongata bo tsoang ho basebelisi bo totobatsa melemo e sebetsang ea li-jackets tse futhumetseng. Hangata lithuto tsa mohlala li shebana le batho ba nang le maemo a itseng a bophelo bo botle, tse bontšang phello e ntle ea mofuthu o tsitsitseng boleng ba bophelo ba bona.

6. Likotsi tse ka 'nang tsa E-ba teng le Matšoenyeho a Tšireletseho

Likotsi Tse Feteletseng

Le hoja li-jackets tse futhumetseng li sireletsehile ka kakaretso, ho na le kotsi e ka 'nang ea e-ba teng ea ho chesa haholo haeba e sa sebelisoe hantle. Ho bohlokoa ho latela tataiso ea moetsi le ho sebelisa litlhophiso tsa mocheso tse feto-fetohang ho qoba ho pepesehela mocheso o feteletseng.

Tšireletseho ea Motlakase

Joalo ka sesebelisoa leha e le sefe se sebelisang betri, ho na le kotsi ea mathata a motlakase. Ho netefatsa hore betri le lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa li maemong a matle le ho latela litaelo tse nepahetseng tsa tšebeliso ho fokotsa likotsi tsena.

Ho teneha ha Letlalo

Tšebeliso ea nako e telele ea likoti tse futhumetseng ka linako tse ling e ka lebisa ho halefa ha letlalo, haholo-holo haeba lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa li kopana ka ho toba le letlalo. Ho roala masela a loketseng ka tlas'a baki ho ka thusa ho thibela taba ena.

7. Ho Bapisa Lijeke Tse Chesang le Mekhoa ea Setso

Li-jackets tse futhumetseng vs. Traditional Layers

Ho apara ka mokhoa o tloaelehileng ho kenyelletsa ho apara liaparo tse ngata ho boloka mocheso oa 'mele. Le hoja mokhoa ona o atleha, o ka ba boima le o thibelang. Li-jackets tse futhumetseng li fana ka tharollo e tsitsitseng haholoanyane, ho fana ka mofuthu o lebisitsoeng ntle le tlhokahalo ea lihlopha tse feteletseng.

Litšenyehelo-Ka katleho

Le hoja qalong lijaki tse futhumetseng li ka ba le litšenyehelo tse ngata ka nako e telele ka ho fokotsa tlhokahalo ea lihlopha tse ngata le ho fana ka mofuthu o fapaneng bakeng sa mesebetsi e fapaneng.


Li-jackets tse futhumetseng li bonolo haholo, ka litlhophiso tse feto-fetohang tse lumellang hore ho be le mofuthu o hlophisitsoeng. Li boetse li bobebe ebile li bonolo ho apara, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e sebetsang bakeng sa boemo ba leholimo bo batang.

8. Tsoelo-pele ea Theknoloji ka Lijeke Tse Chesang

Litlhahiso tsa Theknoloji ea ho futhumatsa

Tsoelo-pele ea theknoloji ea ho futhumatsa e lebisitse ho li-jackets tse futhumetseng tse sebetsang hantle le tse sebetsang hantle. Li-jackets tsa morao-rao li na le lisebelisoa tse futhumatsang tse tšesaane, tse fetohang habonolo tse abang mocheso ka ho lekana le ho fana ka mofuthu o tsitsitseng.

Likarolo tse Bohlale

Lijaki tse ngata tse futhumatsang joale li tla le likarolo tse bohlale, joalo ka khokahano ea Bluetooth le li-control tsa mobile app. Likarolo tsena li lumella basebelisi ho fetola litlhophiso tsa mocheso ba le hole le ho beha leihlo bophelo ba betri.

Lintlafatso tsa Bophelo ba Battery

Lintlafatso tsa theknoloji ea betri li ekelitse bophelo ba betri ea lijase tse futhumetseng, tse lumellang nako e telele ea ts'ebeliso le linako tsa ho tjhaja kapele. Sena se ntlafatsa boiketlo ba kakaretso le ts'ebetso ea liaparo tsena.

9. Joang ho Khetha Le tokelo Heated Jacket

Lintlha tsa Bohlokoa tseo u ka li Batlang

Ha u khetha baki e futhumatsang, nahana ka lintlha tse kang libaka tse futhumatsang, bophelo ba betri, boleng ba thepa, le boemo ba leholimo bo hanyetsanang. Batla likoti tse nang le maemo a mangata a mocheso le mohaho o tšoarellang.

Lihlahisoa tse Molemohali le Mehlala

Mefuta e mengata e tsebahala ka ho hlahisa lijase tsa boemo bo holimo tse futhumetseng, ho kenyeletsoa Ororo, Milwaukee le Bosch. Ho etsa lipatlisiso ka maikutlo a bareki le likhothaletso tsa litsebi ho ka u thusa ho tseba mefuta e metle bakeng sa litlhoko tsa hau.

Litekanyetso tsa Theko

Li-jackets tse futhumetseng li ka fapana haholo ka theko, ho latela likarolo le boleng. Ho beha tekanyetso le ho bapisa likhetho ho ka u thusa ho fumana baki e fanang ka boleng bo botle ba chelete.

10. Malebela a Tlhokomelo le Tlhokomelo

Litaelo tsa ho Hloekisa

Li-jackets tse ngata tse futhumetseng li tla le litaelo tse khethehileng tsa ho hloekisa ho netefatsa nako e telele ea lisebelisoa tsa ho futhumatsa le betri. Ka tloaelo, betri e lokela ho tlosoa pele e hlatsoa, ​​'me baki e lokela ho hloekisoa ho latela tataiso ea moetsi.

Malebela a polokelo

Ho boloka li-jackets tse futhumetseng hantle ho bohlokoa ho boloka ts'ebetso ea tsona. Boloka baki sebakeng se pholileng, se omileng, 'me u qobe ho mena kapa ho penya lintho tse futhumatsang.

Tlhokomelo ea Battery

Ho tjhaja betri kamehla le ho e boloka hantle ho ka lelefatsa bophelo ba yona. Qoba ho beha betri ho mocheso o feteletseng mme o latele likhothaletso tsa bahlahisi bakeng sa linako tsa ho tjhaja.

11. Tšusumetso ea Tikoloho ea Lijeke Tse Chesang

Matšoenyeho a Moshoelella

Tlhahiso le ho lahla likarolo tsa elektronike ka lijase tse futhumetseng li phahamisa matšoenyeho a ts'ebetso. Ho khetha lijase tse entsoeng ka thepa e bonolo ea tikoloho le lihlahisoa tse tšehetsang ka mekhoa e tsitsitseng ho ka fokotsa tšusumetso ena.

Lisebelisoa tsa Eco-Friendly

Baetsi ba bang ba kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tse bolokang tikoloho ka har'a lijase tsa bona tse futhumetseng, joalo ka masela a tsosolositsoeng le lintho tse senyehang. Likhetho tsena li betere bakeng sa tikoloho mme li fana ka ts'ebetso e ts'oanang.

Tšebeliso ea Matla

Le ha lijaki tse futhumetseng li ja matla, tsoelo-pele ea ts'ebetso ea betri le mehloli ea matla a ka nchafatsoang e ka fokotsa sebaka sa bona sa tikoloho. Basebelisi le bona ba ka fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla ka ho sebelisa litlhophiso tsa mocheso oa baki hantle.

12. Qetello

Kakaretso ea Lintlha tsa Bohlokoa

Li-jackets tse futhumetseng li fana ka melemo e mengata ea bophelo bo botle, ho kenyelletsa ho futhumala hanghang, ho ntlafala ha phallo ea mali, ho imolla bohloko, ho sisinyeha ho eketsehileng le ho fokotsa khatello ea maikutlo. Li molemo ka ho khetheha ho batho ba hōlileng, basebetsi ba ka ntle, baatlelete le batho ba nang le maemo a bophelo.

Pitso ea ho Nka Khato Bakeng sa Thuto e Tsoelang Pele

Bakeng sa ba batlang ho ntlafatsa boiketlo ba bona le bophelo bo botle nakong ea serame sa leholimo, ho hlahloba li-jackets tse futhumetseng ke ntho ea bohlokoa. Lipatlisiso tse tsoelang pele le tsoelo-pele lefapheng lena li tšepisa melemo le mekhoa e mecha nakong e tlang.

Nako ea poso: Jul-05-2024